Inter alia, approved:- 1. Sub-division / split of each equity share of face value of ? 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each, fully paid-up, into 10 (Ten) equity shares of face value of ? 1 (Rupee One Only) each, fully paid-up, by alteraOon of Capital Clause of Memorandum of AssociaOon of the Company, subject to the approval of Members of the Company. The Record Date for sub-division / split of exisOng equity shares will be intimated in due course 2. Pursuant to the approval of shareholders of the Company at their Extra ?ordinary general Meeting held on January 06, 2025 by means of passing a Special Resolution and pursuant to in-principle approval obtained from the Stock Exchanges i.e. BSE Limited vide its letter dated January 27, 2025 and National Stock Exchange of India Limited vide its letter dated January 24, 2025 and upon receipt of an amount aggregating to Rs. 3,10,80,000 (Rupees Three Crore Ten Lakh Eighty Thousand only), being 25% of the issue price per Warrant as upfront payment (?Warrant Subscription Price?), the Board of Directors of the Company has allotted 11,20,000 (Eleven Lakh Twenty Thousand only) fully convertible Warrants (?Warrants?), carrying a right exercisable by the Warrant holder to subscribe to one Equity Share per Warrant, to persons / entities (Allottees) belonging to ?NonPromoter Category? at an issue price of Rs. 111/- per Warrant on preferential basis. Further, each Warrant, so allotted, is convertible into or exchangeable for one fully paid-up equity share of the Company having face value of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) each within 18 months from the date of allotment of Warrants in one or more tranches, in accordance with the provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, on payment of the balance consideration of Rs. 83.25/- (Rupees Eighty-three Point Two Five) per Warrant, being 75% of the issue price per Warrant from the Allottees pursuant to exercise of conversion option against each such Warrant. Since the Company has allotted Warrants, presently there is no change in its paid-up equity share capital. 3. Considered and approved the alteration in Capital Clause of Memorandum of Association of the Company, subject to approval of shareholders? of the Company. 4. Approved the Draft Notice of Postal Ballot incorporating the proposed resolution(s) along with explanatory statement. 5. Appointment of M/s. Ronak Jhuthawat & Co., Practicing Company Secretaries as the scrutinizer for Postal Ballot.