I. INCOME | | | | | |
Interest Earned | 4151306.56 | 3321030.60 | 2754572.90 | 2651506.34 | 2573235.92 |
Interest / Discount on advances / Bills | 2880382.40 | 2214006.47 | 1718237.31 | 1714291.39 | 1797488.36 |
Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds | 50901.92 | 34910.11 | 43779.11 | 43175.31 | 29204.06 |
Income on investments | 1086405.04 | 959282.67 | 848772.04 | 798080.90 | 682047.24 |
Others | 133617.19 | 112831.35 | 143784.45 | 95958.74 | 64496.27 |
Other Income | 516821.64 | 366155.98 | 405639.14 | 434963.75 | 452214.78 |
Commission,exchange and brokerage | 281261.19 | 262446.56 | 245652.11 | 235175.14 | 237250.59 |
Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) | 68966.01 | 32900.03 | 34850.84 | 60309.31 | 85756.52 |
Profit on sale of Fixed Assets | -332.02 | -297.89 | -168.66 | -285.82 | -283.74 |
Foreign Exchange Gains | 17151.51 | 29283.30 | 34790.41 | 24096.38 | 25164.13 |
Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture | 19616.16 | 8551.08 | 7183.75 | 6428.62 | 2120.34 |
Rent / Lease Income | | | | | |
Provisions Written Back | 69335.63 | 70973.07 | 77816.96 | 102972.13 | 92502.30 |
Miscellaneous income | 60823.15 | -37700.17 | 5513.74 | 6267.98 | 9704.64 |
Total Income | 4668128.19 | 3687186.58 | 3160212.04 | 3086470.09 | 3025450.70 |
II. EXPENDITURE | | | | | |
Interest Expended | 2552548.29 | 1872625.56 | 1547497.04 | 1544406.33 | 1592387.66 |
Intereston Deposits | 2214599.41 | 1624180.45 | 1412474.71 | 1424352.47 | 1473989.63 |
Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings | 224435.35 | 180801.60 | 77793.57 | 61301.30 | 68911.17 |
Other Interest | 113513.53 | 67643.50 | 57228.76 | 58752.56 | 49486.85 |
Operating Expenses | 1248608.14 | 977431.36 | 933975.15 | 826522.24 | 751736.90 |
Payments to and provisions for employees | 783369.84 | 572918.43 | 575619.85 | 509360.00 | 457149.68 |
Rent,Taxes and lighting | 60818.35 | 57020.05 | 53621.55 | 52531.71 | 53391.19 |
Depreciation on Banks property | 33519.16 | 32972.70 | 32485.86 | 33175.53 | 33038.13 |
Depreciation on leased assets | | | | | |
Auditor's fees and expenses | 2982.90 | 2707.91 | 2706.07 | 2741.88 | 2446.76 |
Law charges | 3462.37 | 2716.12 | 2413.86 | 2152.53 | 2666.69 |
Communication Expenses | 6621.25 | 5365.43 | 5076.69 | 3018.66 | 3491.39 |
Repairs and Maintenance | 11980.66 | 10696.80 | 10362.09 | 9164.26 | 9243.26 |
Insurance | 62241.22 | 57580.40 | 52398.14 | 43480.01 | 32127.15 |
Other expenses | 283612.39 | 235453.52 | 199291.04 | 170897.66 | 158182.67 |
Provisions and Contingencies | 49142.17 | 165073.23 | 244521.34 | 440130.32 | 433303.74 |
Provision for investments | -5931.80 | 15138.40 | 34401.00 | 30145.00 | 5385.50 |
Provision for advances | 81284.60 | 148088.90 | 188200.00 | | |
Others Provisions | -26210.63 | 1845.93 | 21920.34 | 409985.32 | 427918.24 |
Profit Before Tax | 817829.60 | 672056.44 | 434218.51 | 275411.19 | 248022.41 |
Taxes | 207063.40 | 169731.90 | 117458.70 | 71306.50 | 103141.30 |
Current Income Tax | 228716.30 | 212239.30 | 114273.00 | 107608.80 | 28031.40 |
Deferred Tax | -21652.90 | -42507.40 | 3185.70 | -36302.30 | 75109.90 |
Other taxes | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Profit After Tax | 610766.20 | 502324.54 | 316759.81 | 204104.69 | 144881.11 |
Extra items | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Minority Interest | | | | | |
Share of Associate | | | | | |
Other Consolidated Items | | | | | |
Consolidated Net Profit | 610766.20 | 502324.54 | 316759.81 | 204104.69 | 144881.11 |
Adjustments to PAT | | | | | |
IV. APPROPRIATIONS | 851753.38 | 561138.59 | 280751.36 | 99121.67 | -7379.45 |
Transfer to Statutory Reserve | 183229.86 | 150697.36 | 95027.94 | 61231.41 | 43464.33 |
Appropriation to General Reserve | | | | | |
Appropriation to Revenue Reserve | 49205.94 | 20523.50 | 11684.40 | 4267.06 | 3082.04 |
Appropriation to Other Reserves | | | | | |
Equity Dividend | 122267.18 | 100848.12 | 63364.74 | 35698.45 | |
Corporate dividend tax | | | | | |
Other appropriations | 497050.41 | 289069.61 | 110674.28 | -2075.24 | -53925.82 |
Equity Dividend % | 1370.00 | 1130.00 | 710.00 | 400.00 | |
Earnings Per Share | 68.00 | 56.00 | 35.00 | 23.00 | 16.00 |
Adjusted EPS | 68.00 | 56.00 | 35.00 | 23.00 | 16.00 |